Hotkeys can be stopped with ahk.stop_hotkeys() (will not stop actively running callbacks).Hotkeys run in a separate process that must be started manually (with ahk.start_hotkeys()).remove_hotkey ( '#n' ) # remove a hotkey by its keyname ahk. There are also methods for removing hotkeys: #. add_hotkey ( '#n', callback = go_boom, ex_handler = my_ex_handler ) You can also add an exception handler for your callback: from ahk import AHK ahk = AHK () def go_boom (): raise Exception ( 'boom!' ) def my_ex_handler ( hotkey : str, exception : Exception ): print ( 'exception with callback for hotkey', hotkey, 'Here was the error:', exception ) ahk. Now whenever you press + n, the my_callback callback function will be called in a background thread. block_forever () # not strictly needed in all scripts - stops the script from exiting sleep forever start_hotkeys () # start the hotkey process thread ahk. add_hotkey ( '#n', callback = my_callback ) ahk. Hotkeys can be configured to run python functions as callbacks.įor example: from ahk import AHK def my_callback (): print ( 'Hello callback!' ) ahk = AHK () # when WIN + n is pressed, fire `my_callback` ahk. Non-exhaustive examples of some functions available with this package. mouse_move ( x = 150, y = 150, speed = 10, blocking = True ) # Moves the mouse to x, y taking 'speed' seconds to move print ( ahk. mouse_move ( x = 100, y = 100, blocking = True ) # Blocks until mouse finishes moving (the default) ahk.

Add -site: to the end of your search.See also Non-Python dependencies Usage from ahk import AHK ahk = AHK () ahk. It's very easy to exclude a specific site. Try an autoclicker and check out additional information: No games using real cryptocurrencies, NFTs, or blockchain Posts about a specific game must include the name of the game in the title, body, or comment Please refer to the expectations and guidelines for using this subreddit Spam will be removed and spammers will be banned, when in doubt, contact the mods about a link. Check the wikiīe nice No personal attacks, death threats, witch hunts, bigotry and the like. (E) requests for autoclickers (except in the Help sticky). (D) Anything about your own content more than 1 time per week at most, excluding new game announcements

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